New eco friendly extension to dwelling at St Georges Hill, Weybridge, Surrey

Ralph Guilor Architects, Cheltenham have just been appointed to design and apply for a large residential extension to a property in the prestigious St Georges Hill, Weybridge estate in Surrey. Provisional approval, subject to formal approval by the local planning authority Elmbridge Borough Council, has been granted by the St Georges Hill Residential Association. A detailed planning submission has been lodged with Elmbridge Borough Council.

It is intended that the  extension is to include a number of eco friendly technologies from glazed balustrading generating electricity. solar panels to more passive eco technicques.

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ARB (Architects Registration Board)

We have enjoyed over thirty years uninterrupted membership of this professional body. All qualified practicing architects are required to be registered with the ARB which seeks to protect the title of Architect and at the same time promote the standard of services provided by architects to their clients.

It is reassuring to see the ARB actively protecting the title of the architect by prosecuting those who attempt to mislead the public of their status with misleading terms such as “architectural designs”, “architectural services” etc.

The ARB also ensures that the architects on their register perform to standards expected of the profession.

Any member of the public who considering undertaking a project, however large or small, should consider the above carefully before appointing their chosen consultant.

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RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects

It is just over thirty years that we have had uninterrupted membership of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).

Our developer and builder clients still after all these years expect us to be members of the RIBA to ensure that they are employing an architect to provide full architects services and standards for their projects.

However it saddens us that the RIBA do not seem to have advertised to the general public the profession and the benefits it can offer. Often we visit council planning departments where there is no RIBA representation and instead leaflets can be found advertising the architectural services provided by “building technologists”, “building technicians@ and “surveyors”: these leaflets give the impression to the public that their services are equal to those provided by architects.

Regretfully this is not the case, with standards of design and responsibility falling below those provided by architects.

We have on many occasions over the years been asked by clients to improve and upgrade the designs and planning submissions provided by architectural technicians and surveyors, clients who thought mistakenly they had already employed an architect. Perhaps the RIBA would consider addressing this situation.

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